20 Recipe Ideas for Coronavirus Self-Quarantine

20 Recipe Ideas for Coronavirus Self-Quarantine (and Make-Ahead Meals)

Here are 20 Recipe ideas for Coronavirus Self-Quarantine

Here are 20 Recipe Ideas for Coronavirus Self-Quarantine I gathered that feature easy pantry-friendly ingredients. You’ll see great soups, delicious potatoes, homemade loaves of bread (easy), and desserts of course! I’ve placed all these recipes and more into the handy-dandy slide show below. Some of these recipes use fresh ingredients, but you can easily swap with canned or pre-made items (that I mention in the notes). I hope you find these helpful. Best wishes to you during this difficult time and stay healthy!


Don’t just survive; eat like a king during self-quarantine!

It feels so strange to write about this topic instead of the lovely spring recipes I was going to begin sharing with you. However, I want to serve you the very best I can, which means setting aside those springtime recipes and sharing these 20 Recipe Ideas for Coronavirus Self-Quarantine so you know how to use all those dry goods that are now stacked ceiling-high in your pantry. I do personally feel that this whole COVID 19 Pandemic is serious but we must keep our heads! There is a lot of misinformation being spread out there, and sadly I feel many media outlets are putting their best interests above those of the nation for clicks, views, etc.

After all of our lives fell apart last week, it has made me incredibly thankful for two things; having my family close around me, and having cooking skills! So now that we all have a stockpile of food to go with all that toilet paper, what will YOU be cooking?? Let me give you some fun and handy recipes so you can eat like a king during self-quarantine!

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What to eat during coronavirus quarantine

If you find yourself in a 14-day quarantine and don’t have a full pantry at home, thankfully in the US there are many options for getting food if you’re stuck in your house for two weeks. In my slide show of 20 Recipe Ideas for Coronavirus Self-Quarantine above, I included some healthy and delicious make-ahead recipes that I’m definitely stocking up on in case I get sick!

  1. Grocery Delivery. In many areas of the country, Walmart is now delivering grocery orders for a small fee. They’re not the only ones too. Here’s a list by Good Housekeeping of 9 grocery delivery services you can try. Order your groceries and instruct the deliverer to place them on your doorstep so they don’t have to come inside or touch any door handles.
  2. Freezer Meals. If you happen to own a large freezer, you can stock up on store-bought frozen dinners, meats and frozen veggies. But beware, some freezer meals have a crazy-high sodium (salt) content. try to stay away from those if you can. Eat healthy so you can stay healthy. :0)
  3. Meal Plan. Create a meal plan NOW and purchase what you need beforehand, so if/when you get sick you’ll already have it, so you can focus on getting well. I try to meal plan a week at a time, so I can focus all my brainpower on more important things (like helping my kids with all this new homeschooling!) Who loves standing in front of an open fridge or pantry door wondering what the heck to make for dinner?! NOT me :0)

I’d love to hear about any ‘go-to’ recipes that you have found helpful in the last couple of weeks!

Leave me a comment below and tell me about it! And don’t forget to join The Goldilocks Kitchen community if you are a new reader; just enter your name and email on my homepage where the three bears tell you to subscribe! 



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  1. This is an amazing recipe during this time and your all recipes are soo good & sound too delicious also….i will trying to make it this time period…..Thanks for sharing……!

  2. Fabulous…Emily and your all recipes are an amazing with soo yummy looks as well as more easy to make during this virus period…and i enjoyed your all recipe…Thanks for sharing……!

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